Tag: Seasons

  • Happy First Day of Spring! (2007)

    It’s Spring officially today. Here’s a page about it. In honor of this time of the year, pull out Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” and listen to the Spring section, or the whole thing for that matter. If you don’t have it on your computer, music server, or in your CD collection (or Album collection, Cassette…

  • Trees and time

    Hubby is out at Home Depot, supposedly getting the Crepe Myrtle tree (which on Sunday he said he’d get Monday, but now it’s Tuesday, but that’s A-OK.) The Yoshino Cherry trees we have in the front yard are coming along fine, one is putting up it’s many buds and many of them are close to…

  • Spring is Springing 2007

    It’s been nice (weather) of late, yesterday into the 70’s for highs, but then so are the pollen counts high, seeing as it’s early Spring here in the South, without the actual “Spring” of calendar being active, which is quite usual for the South, of course. It is warmer than usual for March though, and…

  • Productiveness after Migraine

    I had a migraine yesterday –> it actually started the day before, in the afternoon. I was finally rid of it last evening –> I tried many things, including Tylenol (now that I’ve stopped using Excedrin due to being near to my 3rd Trimester of pregnancy in which “asprin” is a no-no due to comlications…

  • Weather and how things are going

    It’s been so very gray/grey out the past few days mostly. Thank goodness it’s also “normal” like temps for January, highs near 51, maybe over, maybe a bit under, and lows not too low mostly, so that the heatpump works to keep some of the house feeling warmer than cold, and the fireplace can happily…