Tag: Seasons

  • Hawklady’s Saga, and others

    My Hawklady went through a horrible time this past month, with first an egg-bound-like condition that I helped her get over (with attention and warm baths, in a cat carrier away from the others entirely) and then she went back outside to her normal space acting like her good old self, very chipper and active,…

  • Bird Nest Updates

    I was outside “checking nest sites” –bird nests in trees in our backyard. One nest that was in the very back has a Northern Mockingbird sitting (on some eggs, most likely) –it’s a high nest, too high to see into without a huge ladder. The Robin’s Eggs that I posted on June 29th are done…

  • The 4th Fireworks 2006

    Last night (Fourth of July 2006) we had some ‘fireworks’ at our house. Firecrackers I had gotten last year for my birthday and hoarded most of them until this year (my birthday is two weeks after The 4th), and a package we had gotten from Costco this past week. They had TNT firework bundles, we…

  • Birdies

    We have Eastern Bluebird babies in the nestbox again, they are getting near to fledge-stage … their little cute bodies are getting blue little feathers, and the pattern that is on young bluebirds, so very cute. Click here to go to my Bluebird Set on Flickr. I took a walk outside a bit ago, with…

  • Rain

    I feel like writing, have things to say, but can’t get them out. So, I’ll just input what happened yesterday, we got RAIN and Lightning and Thunder and Wind gusts of pretty big power, but nothing on the weather websites really shows any of that as true … which makes a point about me being…