New Year’s Stuff

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One more day before New Years Eve (evening time) …

I have to get two audiobooks on Audible before the end of the month, which just so happens to be “year” as well at this point in linear time. I’ve tried to find something quite a few times this month, and just haven’t been satisfied with anything enough to add them to my shopping cart. (I have 2 credits a month on

Most “New Years Eve’s” my hubby and I are asleep by midnight. Which is comical to me, that I am usually asleep, seeing as I’m a late-nighter, night owl type (INTP/INTp) and just don’t see that turn of the year literally 80% of the time in any sort of lucid manner.

Of late, being pregnant this last quarter of 2006, as well as a bit older than the last time I was this pregnant (more than 6 years ago!) I am sleeping even more than my “usual” self, either pregnant or not, how I was in my younger days (starting at about age 8 when I began voraciously reading for myself, getting very little sleep from then on out …) and now that I’m 40, I wonder if I’m “more easily tired out” in the evening than before, or not. I’ll not know until some time from now, to be able to test that thesis out post-toddler, so a few years away, maybe I’ll be in a “worse” way though, and have another or two in the next half-decade … :shocked: 🙂

So what will Sunday night bring for us? I can guess that we’ll try some board games, maybe a family DVD, maybe a Mama/Daddy movie later, but hubby will be asleep well before midnight (if usuality isn’t knocked out by something odd that evening,) and IF I’m awake I’ll be so, alone with my kitties (who will mostly be asleep at that time) and outside things will go “bang!” and “pop” and odd assortment of other sounds as midnight comes closer.

Well I have it in mind to do my own “BANG!” stuff this year, but don’t know if I will, if I’m the only person up. I think I can persuade my 10-year-old to be up and go out late with my small stash of firecrackers left over from July (yes, mine.) We also have a few Cuckoo’s (fireworks, fountains, small, not tiny, but really cool) left over, that I’d like to fire off, but don’t want everyone to be asleep when we do them, if my son and I are up and only us, the Cuckoo’s would be cool for us, sure, but everyone else would be upset that we did the Cuckoo’s without them … 😉

New Year’s Day is always a strange day to me. It’s a blank slate, and the only thing I like to do is move furniture around (which generally entails “cleaning” –but that’s only a side benefit, I hate “cleaning” as a sole reason to clean.) Hubby watches football. The children are all older now, and so they’ll be chomping at the bit to play video games, or board games, or something, anything to get away from the football.

Pooh Bear, I hate my computer sometimes. Darn touchpad on my HP dv5000 series laptop gets weird stuff going on when I brush it accidently as I type, and the browser goes “back” one or two pages, and when that happens often it’s alright, I can find my post by clicking the “forward” button of the browser, but this time, and some other times, it’s troublesome. This time I pressed forward and had to go once forward to go through one other page, and then once again forward and that brought me to a “new post” page, and then once forward again to find my actual “in progress being written post” but my last two previously written paragraphs were missing.

So this paragraph and my previous paragraph are replacements for the missing paragraphs. I have no desire to re-write them as they were, sort of or at all. 🙁

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