Tag: Allergies

  • Spring, Spring, GO AWAY!

    It all comes down to … itchy eyes, and the whole drama that is called “allergies” … I’m so tired of it, dealing with issues every day, but so much worse in Spring these last several years, and it’s starting to ramp up already, crying only makes it worse. 🙁

  • Why?

    It’s that time again, Fall Allergies are totally whopping me. It was a couple of weeks or three ago that I and my eldest noticed effects ramping up, so we started taking the one-a-day Aller-tec (from Costco) which we had used previously in the Spring (2011.) Not long after the first ingested pill it is…

  • Finally got Design Studio activated

    My husband called Provo Craft at their activation number in Design Studio listed on the “activate by phone” page. For some reason, she helped him get it activated when previous calls didn’t, nor did any help she or others offered to get it to “activate by internet” work … always outcome of “Error Code 3:”…