Month: January 2017

  • Google Play Music – Fix Incorrect Match

    Google Play Music is playing games with me. I have my own music uploaded, plus subscribe to Family Unlimited. The Head on the Door – The Cure –the offending album on Google Play Music.I have had to delete and re-upload my The Cure albums before, but not for awhile. I don’t know when I last…

  • January Sunrays

  • Dismal

  • Hosting Sites and Changing Opinions

    I’ve been working on a LOGO for a startup my hubby is involved in. Trying to get things going can be frustrating. As it is, I think they want me to get the site going too, so my cost to them will be, I don’t know … not much of anything. I’ve had hosting for…

  • Happy New Year 2017 Style!

    It’s a new year and that means: just another digit added to the year. My PSN goal for the end of the year was to get to LEVEL 16, which I did by the hair of my chinny chin chin. This year I hope to increase to LEVEL 17 by the end. I have enough…