Tag: Marvel

  • S1 & S2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    S1 & S2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    My hubby got me the bluray sets of Season One and Season Two of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. television show. This is a great show! I have the first 3 seasons on Vudu purchased long ago as it was airing, locked to that service so I don’t have any care to watch it there. I…

  • Netflix Marvel TV Show Activity History

    I don’t know when I started to watch Daredevil on Netflix, it was longer ago and not in my Netflix Activity History anymore. It was a few months ago … I also noticed Jessica Jones wasn’t in my Activity History either, except my watching of it yesterday and the day before. I watched it before,…

  • Digital Locker Movies

    Once upon a time there were things called movies. They were magical and could be seen on a large screen in many towns, for a small price one could have a seat for a viewing. Then came the television. TV Shows and Movies on a box in one’s own home. Amazing! Later came other forms of…

  • LEGO Marvel Superheroes: Universe In Peril – PS Vita

    LEGO Marvel Superheroes: Universe In Peril for PS Vita I finally, got this game. Frustrating to admit that it’s OK I got it so late. It, as a game from LEGO tradition, just doesn’t do it for me. LEGO games traditionally let you swap between two characters … not so easily on PS Vita, not…