Month: August 2018

  • Problems with YoutubeMusic

    Problems with YoutubeMusic

    Youtube Music Android Offline Mixtape problems I’ve dealt with. 100 songs downloaded, but there are many NOT actually downloaded, though I watched the notification counting up as it refreshed the content. If there are songs saying “Waiting…0%” in your offline mixtape, they won’t download. Turning the phone off/on will make it finally the offline mixtape…

  • Youtube Music

    I’ve been using Youtube Music on pc and on my phone some. On my PC via Chrome and it’s lacking my personal preferences and everything from Google Play Music, of course, since they haven’t enabled that to happen at all yet. The little I have used for Music on my GPM account is…

  • 1+ Week – Update

    I’ve had more migraines now. This week I had one all day on Wednesday, not really bad, manageable. The next day, Friday, it was so bad by before dinnertime I had to beg off from finishing what I started and hide in my office with my head down on the desk. This was a switcher…

  • Post 3 Self Detox

    Yesterday I had the beginning of a new migraine. I thought about things, worked up my courage, and tried the 1/4 tsp. sea salt on my tongue chased with a lot of water method (not bad, not something I’d want to do every day though)… afterward I was very distracted since I stepped on a…

  • Self Detox overview

    Yesterday was about a Migraine that I wasn’t managing with Advil or any other medicine. I continued on in spectacular pain and tedium about everything, nothing was good. Oh, but then the bacon package came out, my daughter was putting it into the oven to cook, put some of it in the pot of baked…