Month: September 2019

  • Meet Snickerdoodle

    Meet Snickerdoodle

    My hubby met Schnitzel at a event last weekend. Today we got to visit him, and what a cutie he is, he’ll be joining our household soon. (He’s about 8 weeks old right now.) “Snickerdoodle” was what I thought of as soon as I saw his picture. He’s just so cute IRL. I’m glad…

  • Henna Math Joke

    Henna Math Joke

    I started to use Henna on my hair earlier this summer. My hair was changing with the times too much for my tastes. Henna was inevitable all these long years. I had almost two months since my last touch-up, and it was a job I was going to do fully. Touch-up roots and make it…

  • Starset Overtakes Led Zeppelin in my Scrobbling

    Starset Overtakes Led Zeppelin in my Scrobbling

    Since I started listening to Starset in 2015 my scrobbling number for them has grown, and today … tied and overtook Led Zeppelin as I listened to their new DIVISIONS album for the first time today. All my listening to music never scrobbled until I began that in 2005. Even then all my music listened…

  • Monarch Caterpillars Vanished

    Monarch Caterpillars Vanished

    Yesterday early morning I checked the Milkweed, and the caterpillars were still there, happily eating the leaves. Later in the morning I went out again, and only one was there, I couldn’t find the second caterpillar. A bit later I checked again and both were missing. They both had moved around before, but always were…

  • Monarch Caterpillar on Milkweed

    Monarch Caterpillar on Milkweed