Why I didn’t like Sprint Integration with Google

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In the end, after finally getting Sprint Integration, I couldn’t stand living with it, so I un-did it.

Immediately I was able to call my own phone from my tablet or other wifi only device, since I have 2 phone numbers again.

Also I can put all my SMS and MMS merged in Hangouts, choose which account I’m sending with, and it works.

I didn’t like what it was like integrated with Sprint, it was crippled. It was unpleasant. SMS/MMS locked on my phone again. No thank you.

Sure it’s confusing for my husband this way, but I’ve just got to make him see which thing is the right thing to use to send me text or call me or whatever.

I get all my voicemail in Hangouts. One Voicemail, Two Numbers, better situation than one number and locked off SMS/MMS.

Another situation I was dealing with was Google Voice in Hangouts (as a Wi-Fi only device) wasn’t working right on my old HTC Evo LTE … voice didn’t go through, as if there was no microphone. So I ended up running the 4.3 Sense 5 ROM and I’m in business again, just loaded up the Google Launcher and it’s closer to what I was wanting.

I want to use this device with a NON Sense ROM, but I’m sick of throwing ROMS on it, signing into my GV Google Account, then finding out Hangouts voice calls still are not working right.

I had been using Dirty Unicorns 5.1.1 for Jewel, loved it, loved it, loved it! But no voice would go through Google Voice in or outbound GV calls,  my phone would take in others sounds, but output nothing. OK Google worked just great though. Finding information about my problem was futile. I ended up figuring the RUU would heal my problem, even with the bloatware. Ugh.  It did, so at least that is OK for now.

Non-Integration is my style. I used my Nexus 5 with my Sprint number only, for most of it’s life, adding Google Voice late 2015. It married into my already rocking Hangouts the whole life of that phone just fine, pick and choose SMS provider at will, merge, or don’t, it just worked for me.

Integrated with Sprint, choice is gone [choosing to Integrate is the one choice] it’s too blase for me. Now the option #2 maybe would have worked better, but what I’m doing is comfortable enough, to not bother experimenting, at this point, at least.

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