Beauty and the Beast DMA connected account differences

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Beauty and the Beast 25th Anniversary Edition/Version is out Digitally today.


My DMA of Beauty and the Beast updated the cover art weeks ago, and my account page said I’d pre-ordered the 25th anniversary version … though I hadn’t done anything of the sort. (Guess they only have one imprint for DMA?)

All in all it’s OK, the DMA version now has all the extras from the 25th Anniversary content. How it goes with other providers linked is a different story though.

beauty and the beast special edition
My main Vudu account used to be linked to DMA, this is the version of Beauty and the Beast that DMA linked, which remains static, no updated extras added because DMA isn’t linked anymore.

On my main Vudu account I have the Special Edition. Some people said in previous days to un-link and re-link Vudu with DMA then you’d have the Special and Theatrical versions in your Vudu account.

For me it didn’t happen because I have 2 Vudu accounts now, and have always used DMA in any browser before that, so even though I keep my account stuff in separate browser instances (Chrome Users) my prior use of DMA anywhere mussed me up and yes, I linked the wrong Vudu account. I un-linked it quickly but that didn’t matter, the second you sign-in, you are toast to quit that sphere.

I had an xml version of Beauty and the Beast as well, but didn’t have I-tunes linked to DMA for a long time (I used to be linked, but didn’t use it and never re-upped it when Disney auto un-linked long ago.) I decided to re-login there this past weekend and link it up again, so that’s 2 versions of Beauty and the Beast in my DMA, but they don’t show there in DMA that way (as in what I can watch, nor on that 2nd Vudu account that’s linked to DMA.)

On that second Vudu account it was Beauty and the Beast 1991 version, and then because it was linked to DMA yesterday through to today, the version there got all the extras Vudu has over night, when September 6, 2016 rolled around. It remains Beauty and the Beast 1991 Version though.

Beauty and the Beast 1991 extras
2nd Vudu account which had DMA connected through today, September 6, 2016 , the day the Digital HD 25th Anniversary Edition came out. See the Vudu Extra’s tab and the version of the movie? Weird, huh.

Amazon and Google Play are other providers I have linked.

Google Play says my version of Beauty and the Beast is the 1991 version. No extras.

This is the cover art for the version on Google Play, the same cover art that used to be on my Vudu and DMA versions.

Amazon has 2 Beauty and the Beast versions:

  • Beauty and the Beast 1991 Version.
Beauty and the Beast 1991 version on my Amazon Video linked to DMA
Beauty and the Beast 1991 version on my Amazon Video linked to DMA
  • Beauty and the Beast Theatrical Version.
Beauty and the Beast Theatrical is second version in my Amazon linked to DMA account, but they have same runtime.
Beauty and the Beast Theatrical is second version in my Amazon linked to DMA account, but they have same runtime. See that other B&TB though? read on below.

Aren’t those the same? Yeah, I think so, even though the art is new on one and old on the other. There is another Beauty and the Beast on Amazon that comes with Bonuses, it’s totally separate, not connected to my version in DMA.


This is a cluster of you-know-what.

My Vudu Beauty and the Beast Special Edition doesn’t have DMA linked right now, and has NO extras.

Disney Movies Anywhere extras have all the versions of the movie you need, though the regular version is the main movie, the other versions are under ‘etc’ in the extras.

Etc. Beauty and the Beast movie extras
Etc. Beauty and the Beast movie extras 1st part

and further

Etc. Beauty and the Beast movie extras
Etc. Beauty and the Beast movie extras 2nd part

The Vudu extras do not have all the versions, only the sing-along version is in extras there.

Was the 25th Anniversary supposed to be a newly beautified version or just the same as whichever thing, with more extras only? It’s a confusing mess, but it looks to me like the best provider to go with is Vudu still, because they do have extras and if I could connect my main Vudu to DMA I’d know the deal, losing Special version or keeping it, I’d know. As it is now I do know others have said they have both versions or just the 1991 version now. It’s not absolute, in other words.

Simple phone call is supposed to be able to fix it for me. That’s the trouble. Phone is my weakest link. I can email, that’s great. Then they say “call us” in reply email, and I can’t work through it. I suck, yeah, it’s me.

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