I have a Seagate GoFlex Desktop 3TB drive, I wrote a post about it previously to this one.
I was able to get a live Ubuntu DVD going which proved via Testdisk that I did have harvest-able data on it. That just wouldn’t work on my big Desktop computer though.
I finally just bit the bullet and went to the HP All in one in the kitchen, shrunk the main partition, and got Ubuntu 14 to dual boot on it. It’s not great, Ubuntu is scrunched onto the computer. It’s great to take bits of my data via Testdisk though.
I actively have to copy files that will go onto the measly 5gb partition for Home. Then once there I have to chmod 777 them so I can copy then delete or just plain move them immediately.
I’m only copying my HD Videos right now. I did an entire years worth, not watching all of them, but a lot of them to verify they were OK. They are all OK.
Occasionally I have to re-copy from the Seagate GoFlex data, so there is some kind of problem with the drive.
At any rate, the drive was fine last week, and then one day suddenly not.
I’d be so happy to get another external NEW drive. Bad timing, is all I can say. Not a penny to throw at it.
I did install STEAM there on Ubuntu today. It was a horrible process, then come to find out Terraria isn’t Linux capable. Oh well.
That HP All in one computer has a problem that didn’t show up the last two days in Ubuntu, but did today. Windows loses wi-fi. It’s not an easy fix, you have to set it to troubleshoot connections and it’s a pain.
In Ubuntu it happened, no wi-fi suddenly. I right-clicked the wi-fi indicator at the top right of the screen, unticked “enable wifi” then reticked it. Bingo. Wi-Fi radio working and online again. Much easier. But Ubuntu isn’t going to be our main computer. It just can’t hold a candle to Windows ‘any flavour’ still. I find that all Linux flavours are good for troubleshooting and changing things …. hard drives, data corruption, rooting devices, etc. I enjoy using Windows and when I want/need something else, it works out.
As it goes, I used to use Fedora, dual-booting. I am trying to figure out if I can get something like that going on my now older HP Envy 4-1115dx UEFI boot and no HP Recovery partition any more. Then I’d have more use for that machine.
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