
I am Autistic. Self-Diagnosed in 2024. I can’t afford a professional diagnosis.

I’ll add photos as I find them to add.

Story 1

I was a baby, my mother walked into the room, I was in the crib, saw her, lifted myself and said “HI”


Story 2

I was very young. I had a lot of boo-boos. Christmas I had a big one on my chin. I hated it.

Even worse, my mother put me into tights and a shirt and made me go downstairs like that, because there were no clean pants.

WTF is all I can think now, but then I was trying to tell her to put a dress on me instead of … the very embarrassing way she dressed me. She didn’t listen to me.

I was mortified.

Story 3

My mother hurt her eye on a grocery bag walking home from the store. I recall she was out of it, and then there was a knock at the door. I saw her standing there, silhouetted in the bright light.

My brother had been hit by a car. (He was a couple of years older than me.)

My life changed for the worse right there.

Story 4

Sometime later we were all in the basement, my whole family.

I saw a stack of clothing, and was super enthusiastic about them, wanted to wear them and insisted on it.

Only later was a let to know those were my brothers clothes which he was wearing when he was hit by the car.

Story 5

I was in Kindergarden, my closest (in age) sister and I went to the same elementary school. We’d walk home for lunch.

We had sherbet after lunch. I was very happy, I loved sherbet.

After my mother served us I found strings of stuff in my sherbet. UGH

I never ate sherbet again. Blech.

Story 6

I’d put peas and beans and beef into my pockets during dinner. I didn’t like them.

I away got away with it, I don’t know why.

Story 7

Our family went camping when I was Four. Station wagon, tents, a man thought our family was nice, bought us ice cream there.

We were going on a hike. I ran ahead, and my sisters were over impressed that I stayed on the trail, like it should have been hard to know it was there and I was just like … what, it’s obvious.

Story 8

We came home from church and the fish in our fish bowl were dead and there was a pair of tweezers on the bottom of the bowl.

I was blamed. I didn’t do it.

They said I had wanted to hold the fish, so that proved it.

Why would I do that? I loved them swimming. How could I have done that and not known I had?

Never solved the who dun it. (They all blame me to this day.)

Story 9

We had a piano, I made up a song high notes were corny (person), low notes were green bean (monster) and thunderous low notes for the haunted house.

Story 10

Dreams involved my friend from across the street, in her backyard on the swingset, a giant came into the scene, big round feet in sneakers and big fat stick lower legs only parts visible. My friend ran away, abandoning me, I didn’t escape, but dream ended before I got caught. This dream repeated often.

Story 11

I was itchy as a kid, itchy my whole life, things make me itch. I love real silk, cotton. I don’t like synthetic stuff much to varying levels of disgust.

I almost always was uncomfortable in clothing and would rip it off when got home. T-shirt and bike shorts.

Stay at home mom since 29 years old. T-shirts for the most part, tried to have some nice clothing but gave up on that and only use T-shirts and easy to put on and off pants, sneakers. Always wear wool socks. Hug my feet 🙂

Story 12

Stomach/Guts issues, aches, pain, and eventually got carpal tunnel syndrome when 58 years old.

Story 13

Little People were my toy of choice, Little House on the Prairie books, Black Stallion books, learned how to sew and made many of my own things, made the crinoline for my wedding dress (couldn’t buy one that I liked.) Made some baby clothing too, for my boys. 3 boys, 1 girl.

Story 14

I was Four, and wanted my mother to make me a felt stuffed play house. It had windows and a door, a roof, all made of dark green felt. She couldn’t understand what I wanted. I can still see it in my mind today, more than 50 years later. Sure it was a tall order, but it was so simple in my young mind to make. I had total confidence in her. Oh well.

Story 15

…. coming soon