Category: Computer and Internet

  • Hosting Sites and Changing Opinions

    I’ve been working on a LOGO for a startup my hubby is involved in. Trying to get things going can be frustrating. As it is, I think they want me to get the site going too, so my cost to them will be, I don’t know … not much of anything. I’ve had hosting for…

  • Prenatal Blood Work – Baseball – MP3’s and Sleep

    Seems I got little done today (Friday). My allergies went bonkers earlier on Friday AM, and then rain began falling … and I just dragged myself through the morning. Hubby wanted me to go get my Prenatal blood work done that morning, since we’d forgotten it before, and had been paid the day before, so…

  • Tag – I’m not it

    Kelly tagged me with a “tag blog game” about 5 favorite songs right now … and I’ve thought of it, and just can’t come up with any answers really. I mean, I am very much an INTP and for so many things if there can be more than one answer, there are many answers that…

  • Audioscrobbler will be back

    This is the message on Audioscrobbler pages: Audioscrobbler Has Evolved We’ve been working on a brand new site for a few weeks now. Here it is: The New Site! Update your links and bookmarks if need be. We’ll set up automatic-redirection next week, to ease the transition. Happy ‘scrobbling 🙂 The site will re-surface…

  • Audioscrobbler/ New Look

    I’m a bit overwhelmed with audioscrobblers new look, there is so much to explore. One new thing is “journal” … journal pages. Another is “tags”. More charts, etc. Chocked full. But still slow, as I mentioned in the update to the last post. The other very noticeable thing is that my “musical neighbors” list has…