Post Birthday 2011
I got my last birthday present yesterday. It was something that was ordered but couldn’t be delivered to the store until then. Unfortunately my husband decided to make it a mystery gift, wouldn’t tell me what it was, had nothing but a mystery coupon about it in my card … so nothing to “open” or…
New look
I was trying to get a new look going with my blog here, and not liking anything … It’s near impossible to get the thing I was going for working, so I scaled back and thought and now I like it OK. No photo at the top. No grunge paper look background. Now it’s all…
iMT525 & Rocketfish Bluetooth Dongle on PC
The Altec Lansing Soundblade (iMT525) works really well with my HTC Evo (android) phone … bluetooth works easily. On my Win 7 laptop I sometimes have a Rocketfish Bluetooth dongle installed in a USB port. My phone connects fine for file transfer (which is all I have done with it.) Today I decided to get…
HTC Evo View
My hubby and I went into a Sprint store yesterday and asked to see an HTC Evo View (tablet) which just came on the market that very day. They said they sold out (2 came in) and they’d get more next week. Then a manager came out a few minutes later with a device box,…
Home Network Setup
I moved our network around a bit last week, and finally today have it all hooked up (what exists for it today, that is.) I want to make new cables for the things in my bedroom, then it’ll all be nicer (less cable-y!) as the ethernet cables I have on hand are too long for…