Category: Computers

  • Home Network Setup

    I moved our network around a bit last week, and finally today have it all hooked up (what exists for it today, that is.) I want to make new cables for the things in my bedroom, then it’ll all be nicer (less cable-y!) as the ethernet cables I have on hand are too long for…

  • New Scrapbook etc. Space

    I’m finally in my “new” craft/computer room! It needs to have the drywall finished, then the kind of desk/counters/cabinets that I want on two sides, but for now I do have my red Bergsbo cabinet (IKEA) which wholes a whole lot of my stash for scrapbooking, plus I have an old glass desk I’m using…

  • Update to HTC Evo today

    I have Android Gingerbread on my HTC Evo now. I THINK it acts faster. FWIW I don’t know exactly what else it’ll do better. I’m too hot and mushy from the weather to look any deeper into it. One thing is, apps close fast, also look to disappear/fade –which is fluid and nice.

  • Invite, where are you?

    Nearly been 4 weeks, still no Google invite to Music Beta.

  • Sprint Not Making My Day

    Today is a day that is tough already, for me. I didn’t sleep soundly all night, but did sleep soundly when I wasn’t awakened each time … like 5 times. Anyhow, I’m dragging, and nothing is feeling good about anything thus far. I picked up my phone, and see Sprint tweeted a link about the…