Tron PS3 & PSP Themes
I bought a premium theme for my PS3 profile in the last week or so. It’s a Tron dynamic theme, very lovely blue, as in the digital realm with the grid ahead, rain coming down, Recognizers sweeping by from behind and going towards the Grid. Nice blue icons. Pleasing to the nth degree. So what…
Lately I’ve started looking into PSP homebrew. I hadn’t ever researched it, never wanting to hack my PSP, happy with it’s functionality. I was aware that custom firmwares existed, and that it was something I’d maybe want to do, but I did wait too long to fully take that to the level that would be…
Rock Box Themes Trouble
My Rock Box’d Sansa e280 had trouble with the 3.6 update late 2010. It worked, but THEMES were messed up. I learned to live with it, tried a few things with Rockboxutility but ended up “living with it” instead of reloading my back up of the previous installation. Today I decided to start Rockboxutility when…
I got a new camera for Christmas, a Canon Power Shot SX130 IS. I do like it, but need to work with it more to get better photos. Like other online, I do find the “auto” setting not for me. The second thing that bugs me is their website for my product. I registered my…
Upgrade Scare
I just about freaked out. I “automatically upgraded” WP only to get into a glitch of it failing, and being locked into maintenance mode. I went to WP forums and searched for help, ran into “oh no!” then went to get ssh shell open, forgot my password, had to look that up, then browsed through…