Category: Computers

  • Preware for Palm Pre

    I waited long enough for the process to be easy. I got Preware running on my Palm Pre this past week and love what I’ve changed on my Pre. I have a blue dialer, so much nicer than the original green, it’s exactly what I’ve wanted and a notice about it online in the past…

  • Trouble Activating Cricut Design Studio

    I’ve had back and forth with ProvoCraft support via email about getting my Design Studio software Activated again. It’s not been on any of my computers for a long time, and they have said I HAVE to call them over and again, but finally I had one different support person say they would and could…

  • Testing Using Windows Live Writer to post here

    I am trying Windows Live Writer on my Windows 7 laptop. I have used a similar product some years ago, but always seemed to prefer publishing directly from my blog admin section. I decided it’s worth it to try it out again to gain perspective on how different it is now, and how beneficial it…

  • Blue Colors

    These are my favorite colors: 0066CC 007FFF 3399FF I’ve always loved the color blue but more and more as I’ve gotten older. I was looking at colors online today for a project and came up with a nice monocromatic blue palette that includes the above three colors. There are three more, which all together form…

  • Cricut Design Studio activation trouble

    In the last couple of years I had gotten a Cricut Expression, then a bit later there was a deal at Michael’s to buy a few cartridges and get a Free copy Design Studio via mail-in rebate. I did everything and got an email response with my accepted rebate and all the information in that…