DSL frustrations
Our DSL internet cut out again suddenly late this morning, and nothing helped again, until I got my hubbies Treo Stylus to push in the reset of the modem and voila it all connected through my router just fine again. This is frustrating since I never had to do this with our old modem. I…
Last.fm dump & Libre.fm import
I looked at the issue of the Python methodology of getting my Last.fm profile data to my Libre.fm profile today. I can happily say I have completed this task already. I followed the instructions on the Wiki about it. It wasn’t as straightforward as that, since I use Windows Vista. Most of the instructions are…
Libre.fm & Songbird & Last.fm & WMP
I signed up with
Windstream Doesn’t Tell you to RESET modem
[This is a historical look at what happened, didn’t work, and what ultimately worked in my “home network” setup (router controls DSL modem PPPoE login & connection to internet) that had always worked, then suddenly didn’t, and now works again.] Late yesterday morning all of the sudden we had no internet connection. I lived with…
Thinking through Windows 7 Upgrades
I’m going over things trying to decide if I can put Windows 7 on my old laptop and on the Desktop computer. I know I can, I just am not sure yet if there are enough drivers for essentials of graphics & internet connectivity yet. My Desktop has been around for a long time, in…