Category: Computers

  • Thinking through Windows 7 Upgrades

    I’m going over things trying to decide if I can put Windows 7 on my old laptop and on the Desktop computer. I know I can, I just am not sure yet if there are enough drivers for essentials of graphics & internet connectivity yet. My Desktop has been around for a long time, in…

  • Frustration

    I’ve been trying to get some things in the house organized and get my children to do their regular chores without me having to yell or tell them anything and it’s just not ever working to make that happen without me getting very, very frustrated. Mostly of all it’s this house that is too small,…

  • New Copper Coil Heatsink

    I was able to get a new heatsink for my desktop computer this past weekend. It’s a beautiful copper coil sort, totally better than the old one that serviced my Athlon 64 processor for so long. The processor is running @ 38 d. Celsius thus far, great for putting it in with the new heatsink…

  • My video camera is out

    My Sony Handycam that I got for Christmas ’08 is in for service @BestBuy due to Baby Q pulling it down off the shelf it was charging on near the end of last week. It still works fine, but the case is crushed on the right side and it’s askew at the top seams, so…

  • Chrome

    I’m trying the newer browser by Google “Google Chrome”. It is nice looking, very minimalist (something I like a lot) and it seems OK. I use a small theme in Firefox for keeping the interface small to allow more “browsing space”. The look of Google Chrome is flat and that is also nice. I have…