FLY Pentop Computer 2
I just ordered a Fly pentop pack from the Leap Frog site. We were at Costco yesterday and inquired about the sets that we had bought one of earlier, and they were out, and also learned that another store in a deeper populated area near Atlanta does still have them, but they were the original…
Disney Mix Stick Help
Here’s a link to a past post about the Disney Mix Stick that I wrote in the last year, with the advent of having one in our home Christmas 2005 that gave us problems, problems, problems. I’m making this new post about it due to the new influx of “Disney Mix Stick” problem searches coming…
FLY Pentop Computer
At Costco this end of the year holiday season they had/have in their “toy” section the newer Leap Pad thingie called “Fly Pentop Computer” –I was aware of this product since it came on the market, but wasn’t sure about it at first, and then learned it was a Leap Pad product, and then finally…
Geek Update
Well I did get a new laptop. It’s very similar to my old one, though a different “model” and different “software” but the same basic hardware. The funny thing is, at BestBuy they pulled up the info on the model I had bought that had the protection, in order to find a replacement for it…
Geek News
We got the news from GeekSquad that my laptop can’t be repaired, so we need to go pick out a new one. Not such a happy bit of news for me, they don’t have many models in the store, last we saw, that are comparable to my HP that I had, a dv5000 series with…