Westminster Dog Show 2006
Tonight is the first of two airings on Television [USA Network] for the Westminster Dog Show 2006: for ‘Best in Group’, and finally ‘Best in Show’. Find info here: www.westminsterkennelclub.org/ I like many of the dogs and bitches usually, but almost always most that win these shows are not my choice … I am not…
Disney Mix Stick Trouble
We got our DD a Disney Mix Stick for Christmas, and it stopped working in January. It won’t play anything and won’t charge up. Depending on different situations of trying to charge it, the lights indicating charging act differently. For one, it has an orangish-yellow light which is not described at all in the pamphlet…
Which Narnia Character am I
via Tamara … You are…Edmund. Thoughtful and philosophical, youhave made mistakes in the past but havestraightened things out and are now where youneed to be. You are content to be a wisecounsellor, rather than a great leader, thoughyou can be either if you must. Which Chronicles of Narnia character are you? brought to you by…
Changes Beginning
I have decided to change some of my websites, and through that idea THIS blog will change, I am merging details from another blog into this one as well as actual posts. The posts will come in the next week or so, hopefully, as I weed through them and spiffy up categories before importing them.…
www gone
I had my options for this site to use both “www” and not use it to work … so anyone could come here with or without it and get to the right page. In WP I had it set to use the “www.” It worked mostly all the time, until recently I just can’t get…