I’m trying out FLOCK. Find it at www.flock.com. What is FLOCK? It’s a tool to use with blogs. It’s a browser too, built off of Mozilla. I use Firefox and love it. FLOCK is not a replacement, it’s still in BETA. It’s a way to aggregate posting of your blogs, if you have more than…
Stupid Creeps
WP Hashcash is WordPress’ strongest anti*pam plugin, boasting 100% efficiency. Over the last 6 months, not a single automated *pammer has been able to break through. It works by using client side javascript to compute a special value which is sent to the server for verification. Since robots don’t have javascript, it’s unlikely that they…
Zire 31, Thunderbird, and Palmsync
I have a new Palm now. I had a Palm Vx and didn’t use it much ever. I recently found Audible (audio books online) and was able to sign up with them for a 12-month deal to get a new device much cheaper. [My MP3 player (Rave-MP ARC 2.5) won’t play Audible content.] So I…
Google Blogsearch
Google Blogsearch link Google owns blogger, we of cyberspace all know that, right? So here’s a post to archive the link to the blogsearch page. It can be accessed there at the link above, or on blogspot pages, blogger’s home page, etc. My first blog was a blogger one. That was before they were owned…
Can you see it?
I was lying in bed watching TWC and this is what got me to get up and get going so I could post this. Can anyone see it? Take a guess, or if you do see it be sure and tell me you know. Comment please! Only real people with a related to this post…