A LEGO Story
I returned The Life of George to the LEGO store on our last visit. Wouldn’t it figure that I found that after I put a new ROM on my Samsung Galaxy Player 5, THAT device was able to download and install the apps for the LEGO set in question. Figures. I re-ROM’d my player after…
The Lego Store Dilemma
Today we might go to the LEGO store. The children have their Christmas boxes to fill with LEGO from The Wall. Unknown by my husband I have promised my eldest that if HE isn’t happy with what he finds I’ll let him get a small canister at another visit, when/if it’s a suitable selection. One…
Lovely computer
My computer is lovely now. It’s running well at stock speeds. I’m leaving it like this for now. It’s capable of more, sure, but I won’t push it unless something shows me that I need it. I asked for recommendations in games, and one old game recommended was Half-Life2. I remember that one from before…
Planning for Christmas or Zombies
I think things will spin on as usual. Most chance for that, or next in line would be Zombies … yes, that Zombie Apocalypse will rise. So, we still have to finish decorating the Christmas Tree. Not many cookies made yet. Not all the presents are wrapped nor gotten in hand yet. Most, yes, but…
New 50″ TV in our livingroom
We got a new tv today. Panasonic P50UT50 … it is 3D Ready. We thought it’d be ready for us, but then, sometimes issues just aren’t apparent until it’s too late. It’s a great tv, but out glasses don’t work with it. I have the Playstation 3D Display. 3D is awesome on it. Active Shutter…