Category: Movies

  • Secondhand Lions

    I watched Secondhand Lions on DVD (blockbuster rental) last night. It was a good movie. Not modern by any means. I therefore enjoyed it. It was refreshing. It came out on DVD just this past week, BTW.

  • Peter Pan (2003)

    Yesterday was Christmas Day, and a hallmark day for our family. We went to the movies. First time ever on going on Christmas Day. Another first was that this was the first time our entire family went to the theatre together, and the first time any of the children had ever been to the theatre…

  • TTT Extended DVD – Pt. I

    We finally watched TTT Extended yesterday. It was good. The DVD’s played alright. Only one scene SEEMED to freeze, but it was a second and a half, which one, eek, can’t remember, but it went right into the next chapter fine. Further viewings will atest to the working of the extended version discs. Hmm, the…

  • The Matrix: Reloded on DVD

    Reloded came to theatres in March. We didn’t go. Movies are expensive when young children are involved. It’s just plain easier to wait for the DVD to come out to see the flicks we want to see. So between then and now, the most heard thing was “the sex scene in The Temple”. What a…

  • Jane Austen

    I’ve loved all the Jane Austen novels brought to “life” as movies the past several years. I admit openly here that I’ve never read one of them. Finances being tight, since I’ve been compelled to actually read the stories of late, I only recently was able to come into contact with a volume that I…