Stryper 25th Anniversary Tour
My husband and I went to see Stryper in Atlanta a few days ago, Wednesday, October 21, 2009. The whole show was really good. I really liked their opening band, Manic Drive. I’d not heard of them previously, and found their show super, so we got a couple of t-shirts & their latest CD after…
U2’s New Album
I got the new U2 album, No Line on the Horizon, at Target the other day, the 4th of March, 2009. I wanted to get it the day it came out, but didn’t, and because of the time we got home on the 4th and the way I felt the next day and the fact…
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock: My Career on Easy
Before our last trip, which we took in the beginning of September, been back less than a week, thus far …, I had finally started using my Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Wii game that I had gotten for my “birthday” in July. I hadn’t ever played any Guitar Hero or that sort of…
Prenatal Blood Work – Baseball – MP3’s and Sleep
Seems I got little done today (Friday). My allergies went bonkers earlier on Friday AM, and then rain began falling … and I just dragged myself through the morning. Hubby wanted me to go get my Prenatal blood work done that morning, since we’d forgotten it before, and had been paid the day before, so…
Happy First Day of Spring! (2007)
It’s Spring officially today. Here’s a page about it. In honor of this time of the year, pull out Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” and listen to the Spring section, or the whole thing for that matter. If you don’t have it on your computer, music server, or in your CD collection (or Album collection, Cassette…