Category: Music

  • Going to see Beware of Darkness

    Today is the first day of Spring 2014.  Time flies! Tomorrow I have to get up early and fly to Chicago with my husband. We’ll see/do I don’t know what, but we will see Beware of Darkness that night. My husband gave me this trip on Valentine’s Day. I really like, love, Beware of Darkness.…

  • Clan of Xymox – Mind, Body and Soul

    I was looking in the Google Music store last week and saw something I forgot about. A new Clan of Xymox album. Oops. “Mind, Body and Soul” I ordered it from Metropolis straight away and it arrived on Saturday. It’s atmospheric, very Clan of Xymox, just not, um, “exciting” perhaps is the word to use.…

  • My Top 3 Scrobbed Artists this past week

    This is what my top three weekly artist look like when I listen to what I want to with no regrets: My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: The Cure (148), Red Line Chemistry (88) & Royal Blood (57) #tweeklyfm — Maisy (@MaisySM) March 16, 2014 I don’t listen to The Cure whenever I want to.…

  • Bridge To Grace – CD Release Party w/ Brother Grey, and Fusebox Poet

    Bridge To Grace – CD Release Party w/ Brother Grey, and Fusebox Poet

    Bridge To Grace – CD Release Party w/ Brother Grey, and Fusebox Poet Sirius/XM Octane started playing a new artist some weeks ago. I’m not sure the first time I heard the song, but the second time I heard it I turned it way up. I didn’t hear it again for a long time and…

  • A New Stack of Music

    A New Stack of Music

    I got a stack of new “old” CD’s yesterday. I started looking in the shop I was in, and thought about T’s so went to that section and pulled out more than 6 CD’s with groups starting with a “T” and the U’s were right there too, and ended up with more than 6 of…