Tag: PlayStation Music

  • PlayStation Music Spotify Basic Info

    PlayStation Music Spotify Basic Info

    Spotify Issues Spotify on PS4 and PS3 is good, but … things are not as they should be. #1: Scrobbling. Last.fm Scrobbling integration was left out of the PlayStation Music Spotify app. Not cool. #2: Playlists are not working well in the app alone. Connect via another device make it all a better experience, but…

  • Spotify and PlayStation

    Spotify and PlayStation

    Spotify was something I wasn’t interested in. I wanted to explore music by finding artists, groups, albums that I liked, purchase the media, and listen to it from my ripped version put to Google Play Music. Then PlayStation announced PlayStation Music partnered with Spotify. www.spotify.com/us/playstation/ That was last week, and now I’m already a Spotify…