Category: General

  • I am ADHD (not diagnosed)

    I have lived my life in a crazy intoxicating way. I have made some bad decisions and all in all survived, though didn’t exactly ever thrive. I have never been diagnosed and won’t ever be probably. I don’t “HAVE” ADHD. It’s not a disease. I have a neurological difference from normal people. It’s not horrible,…

  • Netflix is weird now

    My family just got hit with the “you can’t watch if you don’t live with your family” thing. So sure, yeah I want to pay more to y’all Netflix. I don’t want my kid to have to pay through the nose for a decent account after using Netflix since 2012 or whenever that was we…

  • Reasoning the why of how things are

    Time sinks everyone eventually. For me, personally, I feel rather sunk. How did it get like this? Over time I lost my vehicle because it was too small for our family, we needed something bigger, got a Pontiac Montana. My car, Honda Civic, was driven to death by my hubby. I couldn’t really go anywhere…

  • Death


    So cold for a few days. Madame Chicken-legs last photograph. Sub-freezing temps and a stupid free-range chicken.

  • Deck Basement Back Door Installed this past week

    Deck Basement Back Door Installed this past week