We dutifully purchased and viewed this DVD, The Two Towers, widescreen edition , on the day of it’s release, Tuesday, August 26, 2003. What happened throughout was not understood until stark awakement at the end when it was bad.
The DVD, brand new, was jumping a bit, then really bad. Hmm. So my hubby returned it today and of course, I had to view it tonight. Got to the same part of the movie that was the worst last night, and it did the same thing. Then I tested it via scene selection, as I did last night with the first DVD, and it repeated the error, yet to a later scene. The thing that it is, is this:
Chapter 51, Gandalf and the others appear, this is right near the end … it skips back to Chapter 26 — when the people, on their way to Helms Deep, are attacked. This isn’t exactly my idea of a good way to view a movie. 🙂
So now, we have to check out how it works in my laptop, and how it works on the other DVD player, downstairs. I hope it’s not a DVD disc issue, but on the other hand I hate to see it’s an issue with our DVD player. It’s been around for a while, a second-generation Sony, when second-generation was new to DVD.
All in all , it’s great to have The Two Towers in our home on the TV Screen. I’d just like to see the last several minutes of it as it’s supposed to be run.
I’ve done a little bit of searching online, not much, mind you, to see if any other complaints like this have popped up. Nothing that I found. So here’s my offering to the inernet community. Anyone else having problems with this DVD?
It’s late at night, 12:55am right now, and I just couldn’t resist testing this out on my laptop. Drats, it works fine. Well. That’s that. This isn’t a movie to watch in our Sony player, because of a problem unique to our own, or due to the technology that’s older? That’s what I’m seeking, an answer to that.
Well, I haven’t watched a movie on my laptop in a long time. Oh the picture is smaller, but it’s so much nicer. So this test had a two-fold result. The Two Towers DVD is not broken, and I now will have the desire to view movies on my laptop more often. The picture is so crisp and lovely on this 16 inch LCD monitor.
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