Month: August 2023

  • Everything is too much

    My family has all been here since Thursday late morning. Very nice, but then again, not. Why? My family is all so very closed off, and it’s because of alcohol. Hubby just stays in his office room. That’s it, or sits outside with a book. That’s all he does. With alcohol. Or wishing about it.…

  • Why is everything so

    How can I deal with trauma. I mean past, stuffed down. The stuff that activates when my significant other has ingested alcohol of any kind. It’s killing me. I have stuff to deal with, and it’s too hard to deal with, so dealing is out the window. I am fearful. I am disgusted, I am…

  • My Minimalistic Reset

    Get up… Drink Fiji water, and part of another bottle. Plus a small pinch of Celtic Sea Salt. Next have Shilajit & coffee with hemp oil (THC free) and cream. A bit later… Eat breakfast and take 1 Tributyrin-X soft-gel. later, between eating meals/snack, take 2 Inflammatone capsules. (1 serving) I wish I could take…

  • Guts seem impossible to fix but I’m trying

    Impossible dream. Yes, that is true. I can’t fix my guts. Lets say they weren’t great all along but not this bad. What happened at the end of 2020 was a virus that went through everyone in the house, and I was hit with horrible guts since then. I dealt with it better after a…

  • A/C is broken

    Here we are again. A/C is broken. Last week it was really rattling and so noisy, then on Friday (8-4-2023) it quit blowing and screeched. Technician arrived and poking around found a wheel that drives the fan was broken. That is a part they didn’t have in-stock and would have to order it from the…