My Pregnancy 2007 Page

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I wanted to draw attention to the sidebar under “Navigation” –way down the list look for “My Pregnancy 2007” and click on it to get a list of posts from newest to eldest on this blog and my other blog that are related to my pregnancy –either completely or side-related, referencing it in some way.

I’m mostly talking about things that are pregnancy related on my other blog, but started out entirely talking about things on this blog, and overlap has occured since I re-opened that other blog in January ’07 (leaving it dormant as I contemplated, for too long, what to do with it –wishing to take some posts from Hyperthinking and move them their, and visa-versa, but I eventually said “Hang that workout” and just started posting there again, as well as continuing here, trying to dicotemize myself as originally planned.)

My Pregancy 2007 will be duplicated on both my Hyperthinking and PastoralFarms blogs, btw.

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