I was outside in the wonderful Spring sunshine today. I pulled weeds a lot. Also helped plant some trees. The trees were planted mostly by my husband. The sun was so intoxicating, made me rather want to just sit on the ground and soak it up, while wearing a wide-brimed hat, of course.
We have a nice new “patio peach” tree, to the left of the corner of our “much future patio”. It’s blooming, deep pink blossoms, it’s about half grown, so that’s some where around 4 feet high right now. Further over in the yard, near the front of the fence line, where the ground goes down, down, down, but not enough to make a retaining wall useful, we put two Paper Bark Maples, they are young, taller than me, how high is that? Well, taller than what the patio peach tree is! They have very thin trunks though, and will get much bigger. We’ve somewhat trashed the landscape plan we have. We added the peach tree, nothing was supposed to be there on the plot. And the new Maples are a partial replacement of what I don’t want — Magnolia’s, DD Blanchers — to be exact, minus any spelling errors. The plan calls for Magnolia’s. I don’t like ’em. Yes, this is the South, and they’d be very fitting in that big empty part of the yard, but we aren’t gonna do it. So we are playing it all by ear … and buying things as we see them, when they suddenly pop out and say “put us in that spot of your 1/2 acre!”
The Paper Bark Maples are pretty. The bark peels, and it’s a neat look.
Well I pulled alot of weeds, as I said above. I got a good amount of grass creepige out of two areas where it wasn’t supposed to be, but was ignored last year when it should have been halted. The work is hard, but not that hard, the rain of last week, off and on for many days in a row, makes it easier to pull those roots out of the ground, those two or more feet long tough roots. What fun! This is what I’ve missed the last few years, moist earth. Dig down into planting beds, and it’s so moist it starts getting like thick mud. Water, you could squeese it out of a handful of dirt.
How wonderful that is, it’s been so dry. So very dry. And the drought is over. For now at least. Thank you God, for sending the healing rains!
I dug out all of my Hosta too. I moved them from an area that they did well in the few years before last … to two other areas last year. Ugh! They did terrible. So I dug them out to re-plant in a new area, but more in the shade. I have some work to do to that area before I can plant them, so they must wait until Monday. Poor things. They are all cosy together in a plant tray, and I’ll make sure they stay moist. It’s hard work digging up Hosta. Strong thick roots! It’s a heartless job. You just have to say, “I’m breaking you of right here!” and be done with it. 😉
Ah, Spring feels so good. Dirt under the fingernails, I should use my gloves. Nah. Dirt in bare hands feels GOOD! Especially moist, wonderful, filled with earthworms dirt!
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