Fedora 12 on my Desktop

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I’m typing this post in Firefox on a new install of Fedora 12. It’s my first time installing a linux distro. I’ve used a Knoppix CD before, and have wanted to install Linux, but just hadn’t until I finally got the bug to upload my last.fm .scrobblerlog and didn’t want to not load it to Libre.fm, which I had done a dump from last.fm and upload to libre.fm in mid-2009 — once after that I hand fixed a .scrobbler log to load it to Libre.fm, but that was a mess. A big mess. Took several times to re-do the list and reconnect (Python is how one loads data to Libre.fm) I liked using Python, and want to learn more of how to use it, write in the language for usefulness, etc.

I looked online to find someone who’d made a Python script to change .scrobblerlog to be accepted by uploading to Libre.fm, but the only thing I have found, over and over, is one thing, a bash script on a linux forum. So that was what eventually got me to install Linux. I chose Fedora since it’s a good thing.

I have a Dual Boot install. So I have new Fedora 12 and old WIn XP SP3.

The one thing I haven’t gotten done that I want to is to get my wireless networking card to work in Fedora. I haven’t tried too hard. I have to find the key anyhow, it’s in my router at least, which I can access since I’m plugged in with an ethernet cable for now. If I can’t make that work, then I’ll have to leave the desk by the router for the time being.

One thing that was troublesome in this is that my Bluetooth keyboard and mouse worked through install up to a point, but not after reboot, and I’d whizzed through a screen that I needed to get logged in to the system, and couldn’t do anything but get a wired keyboard and reinstall. Which was fine, it’s not like Windows that would have taken an hour to install. :rolleyes:

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