Category: Computers

  • Finally going to be able to build my computer!

    I am finally going to have the opportunity to build my new desktop pc. It’s been years in the planning, and ditching of plans, of course. Anything dreamed of 5 years ago has come and gone. The stuff I can get today is so far superior, and prices are so doable for what is available.…

  • Galaxy Player 5.0 – Root n Rom problems

    I got a Galaxy Player 5.0 recently. I actually had one, hard bricked it. It was a mistake. So I got that replaced, and didn’t do anything with it for a few days, then started thinking about it more and more. Today I decided to do it. I got all the right files lined up…

  • HP TouchSmart PC 520

    We got a new computer for the family over GA’s tax free weekend (actually Sat.) It’s for the family, mainly for education … which is every thing and anything on a computer. For me it’s nice since I LOVE touchscreen devices. It’s a screen as big as my monitor in my office … 23″ widescreen. It’s…

  • Mozilla vs. Chrome: GetGlue & Flickr

    I’ve been using Pale Moon x64 for awhile now. There are problems with how some sites display and work though. I have also run Firefox, latest versions of both browsers, with the same URL’s and find that they have the same problems. I have used Firefox for years and years now. Two sites are affected…

  • Scrobble, Scrobble, Scrobble: Sony, Playstation, PS Vita

    One thing I’ve wanted for a long time is an ability to listen to my music on anything and be able to Scrobble it. I had that ability with my PC when I first discovered what became … audioscrobbler … and that support didn’t extend to the portable player I had at the time…