Tag: PSP

  • PixelJunk Monsters

    PixelJunk Monsters

    PixelJunk Monsters, my beloved. PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate HD PS Vita On my PS Vita as Lock Screen (for a long time now, even today.) Screenshots from longer ago, and today. Screenshots of Screenshots proving dates. FWIW. I first saw PixelJunk Monsters in June 2009, on the PlayStation PS3 Store. I bought it June 18, 2009. I loved…

  • PJMD for PS Vita!

    PSN finally released Pixel Junk Monsters Deluxe to work on PS Vita. I’ve been waiting for this since February 15th! The Store update of Tuesday, May 22, 2012 also brought a new game Table Top Tanks, for $1.99. That’s troublesome. I don’t have $1.99 to put in my PSN Wallet, I don’t have anything in…

  • Advanced Thought Process – Thinking Aloud about PS Vita

    Today is February 10. It’s been a fast month so far, and that is solely because of February 15th, which is Vita Day! We’ve been looking forward to this day (without knowing for sure it would be this long at the outset) for just over a year. We watch the introduction of the NGP via…

  • A Perspective

    This article makes me uncomfortable, and also makes me laugh. Consoles are big, important, and Sony has the best one. Why do we have a WII? Well, we do because it was cheaper, and kind of novel at the time (April 2008) … hard to find in our area, DH brought one home from a…

  • PSN Activations – starting from Scratch

    My hubby called PSN support today. They answered very quickly, but … I felt they didn’t get to the point of understanding what we wanted exactly, but eventually were going to do the ONE TIME ONLY EVER IN THE LIFE OF THE ACCOUNT wiping of all activations. This is silly as the only reason I…