I haven’t been writing here for a long while, and not much on my other blog either, but some there. Here is where I usually put a picture for the top of the front page, something “recent” and that has been the intended plan to do it frequently, but I just haven’t even put much of anything on my FLICR account either. Why? Partially or mostly it’s all because of the new baby, and my lack of getting his Announcements out in the mail. That problem is partially solved, I got one Announcement into the mail yesterday! 🙂 I have more to get out, but that first one was the important one, to the only “grandparent” that remains, my DH’s Dad.
I wanted to get a photo printed in wallet size to include in the Announcement and that is what was the final straw of keeping them from going out for awhile (before that it was the “making of” the announcement that kept it from going out …)
I had originally planned to get the most recent good photo of the baby printed, and then laminate it with my Xyron 900 laminate/magnate cartridge (a cartridge I got entirely for this purpose.) I finally got a picture printed by uploading one to Ritz and having it printed for pickup the same day. It worked. But I used a photo from when he was just 3 months old by a couple of days. He’s 4 months old now, so it’s not the most recent photo as I had intended. It’s not exactly the sort of photo I’d wanted to use either, but with me being tired and not wanting to search through the myriad of digital pics on my hard drive and knowing I didn’t want to set-up to take something new right then, I just looked in a few folders here and there for a nice set and picked one out from a session of cute ones. I actually picked one out, then changed my mind later and then later changed it to another one again … before committing to actually uploading it to order.
I also messed up then, when I went to laminate the first two. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used that machine with a new cartridge and “forgot” to crank it out a couple of inches first to get that ugly ‘blech’ out so I have a clean nice project outputted, I can guess it’s nearly every time. Sigh. So I had the first batch of the nice project ruined. I don’t know how many of them I’ll make, I’ve made a whole sheet of pictures into the project thus far, with 2 of them trashed, of course. I don’t even know how many announcements I’ll be sending out. I am still trying to get addresses collected (I’ve lost all my address listings by not saving things from old computers or updating things here and there the past few years, and not sending out any Christmas cards the past couple of years, and getting very few in the mail anyhow for longer than that, frustratingly.)
I’m happy to send one to anyone i know who wants one — so if that applies to you, dear reader, feel free to let me know so I can email you about your mailing address. Just a comment here and I can contact you (your email address is required to post a comment, but will not be visible to anyone but me [inside my blog admininstration.] ) I would only contact you at your request, as well. Fear not of spam attacks or unsolicited email of any sort from me or this blog.
I’m semi-duplicating this part of the post to both my blogs, tailoring the beginning to reflect the right blog. FWIW.
So it’s November now, and things are more “indoor oriented” with the weather cooling down outside. I might have more time to post, and more things to post about on this blog, but I won’t promise that. But I will promise new photos more frequently to grace the top of my front page, now that I will release my baby to the web somewhat since the announcements are going out. 🙂
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