Category: Holiday

  • The Christmas Spirit and Me

    I have to get some things done today. Get things going to get another stage of Christmas Card creation on it’s way. (I have a basic form and the front done, but the decor is not done 100% and I don’t know what I’m doing yet with the other parts.) Figure out how to get…

  • Why do things always go wrong when …

    Today is the second day of the 2nd biggest holiday of the year Week. It’s even bigger in our house because my Daughter was born the evening before Thanksgiving, so her birthday flirts with Thanksgiving most years, some more than others, and some falling on the same day as. Last year was on the day,…

  • LEGO VIP Points = cheap buy

    My husband went to the Lego store early this week to get me my Winter Village Bakery (last years seasonal offering) which I had been wanting, using LEGO VIP rewards for the bulk of the purchase. The store was out of stock in regards to that item. They also couldn’t order it to ship to…

  • Saw IMAX 3D Tranformers: Dark of the Moon this weekend, FINALLY!

    Happy Labor Day! We (me and three of my children) went to see Transformers: Dark of the Moon in 3D IMAX on Saturday night. We saw the movie in Real 3D on my birthday in mid-July. Our area IMAX theatre had already kicked T3 out of IMAX for Harry Potty … which really ticked us…

  • Post Birthday 2011

    I got my last birthday present yesterday. It was something that was ordered but couldn’t be delivered to the store until then. Unfortunately my husband decided to make it a mystery gift, wouldn’t tell me what it was, had nothing but a mystery coupon about it in my card … so nothing to “open” or…