Half-Way Point
The year is half over. Already. Wow! It’s still June officially as I write this, but nearly July, in just an hour and a half it will be so. Time flies the older one gets. It really does. This new month of July marks big things. DH turns 40 and I turn another year older…
The new Pope of the “Catholic Church” will surely be bringing about a lot of stirring the “christian” pot. So far, the very little I’ve seen about it all on Fox News TV, and I have not seen much at all … but what I’ve seen is embracing of this new Pope by more than…
NPP Stuffage
An NPP Link: Paul Perspective. I originally posted it on Valerie‘s weblog here. Cindy asked about it on my other weblog, and this is the weblog on which I do that sort of posting, generally. Any relevant comments are welcome, discussion welcomed, no dissention though 😉
“Natural Born American”
Fox News Channel was on this morning, TV, and I heard them talking about the “plot to assassinate Bush”. A photo of the guy was on the screen. Judge N. said something about the guy being a real American, as American as the next American (he really said “natural born american” can you believe that?!!)…
Smelling Burnt Marshwiggle
Doug Wilson posted about The Aroma of Burnt Marshwiggle. Carmon posted something about the Narnia Marshwiggle character “Puddleglum” a year ago, she says here, and I also recall reading that a year ago. Why am I commenting on this? Just the fact that Mr. Wilson writes something alright again. But doesn’t apply it to his…