Doug Wilson Page. Christkirk.com changed
Doug Wilson Page. Christkirk.com changed the url of the index page for the “controversy” documents. I’ll go back and change the links below sometime. Just popping this in here in case anyone clicks a link below and says “where is it!” or something.
Wisdom, Doug Wilson: what “brand” does he have?
Here’s the next round of stuff from Doug Wilson: Giving Offense – Amended; and A Short Credo to Help the Heresy Hunt Along. The “amended” version of “Giving Offense” has 4 new points tacked onto the bottom, as well as a “thanks” for the help of James Jordan with some of it. It’d be one…
Orthodusty – China Figurines and Dusty Presbyterians?
Search Google for “Orthodusty” and what comes up? This blog, and a few other blogs, and a couple of Doug Wilson things. This is one, an article from Volume 10:2 of Credenda Agenda:www.credenda.org/issues/10-2presbyterion.php So when was Volume 10 out? Somewhere around 1998 as far as I can figure. So is he calling some congregations, in…
Doug Wilson again … more hits the web
Doug Wilson has been very busy He has an ammended version of A Short Credo on Heresy, a new credo: A Short Credo on Giving Offense, and finally something called Presbyterian Fables. Ah, the “Fables” are a new turn to enlightening us all as to what he’s talking about. Yes, he believes he’s right and…
Doug Wilson’s “Short Credo” roll
So, Mr. Doug Wilson of Christ’s Church in Moscow, Idaho has a new Credo. Another one, that is, about 6 or so to date. This last one is the most embarrassing of them all. He’s making things worse for himself. I nearly feel sorry for him. But really I don’t. I just feel plain embarrassed…