Rabbits and me and hennies

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We have three New Zealand White rabbits now. One buck, two does.

We got them on Monday of this week. I don’t have all their info as of yet, but should soon, I hope. We have them for breeding/meat purposes.

They are very cute, and pretty big. They are 6 to 7 months old, and probably ready for their first breeding attempt, but I’m trying to wait until hubby contacts the guy we got them from for more info on their actuaI l backgrounds. (All I know is that the guy got them for the same reason we have them, but couldn’t keep them afterall. He had researched what to do, but I do not know the actuality of each of the rabbit’s histories.)

One doe is very active, and forward, has an Extrovert personality for sure. The other doe and the buck both seem very reserved, quite Introverted thus far.

I haven’t taken any photos of them as of yet. I hope to get that accomplished this weekend. I would have done it today, but was stricken with migraine junk in the middle of the night, blah. It’s just plain bothering me to a horrid degree due to the fact that a mild migraine hangs on despite medication, slightly improving, but never quite totally, and it causes all my sensitivities in this first trimester pregnancy to heighten horribly, so I mostly stay in bed if I can, only getting up to go potty, or walk around a few minutes here or there. Also to take a shower if I’m that miserable enough. As long as I lie about I feel alright enough to exist, but get me up and I start burping and having tummy flips galore from smells, thoughts of raw meat cooking, thinking of having to make dinner, and more.

So today I stayed in bed and let the children fend for theirselves, which they are more than capable of doing in our small house, and have gotten up in the very late afternoon to get dinner going. But all I was capable of is making Annie’s White Cheddar Shell pasta dinner. Blech. I can’t even stomach the thought of putting it on a plate for them, let alone me. So this is it. I’ll take a couple of cheese thingies from the fridge and trudge upstairs and be able to eat those soon if I get away from the kitchen and into my bed.

I do so much better on non-migraine days, but still do suffer doing any sort of cooking, having others bring me food works so much better. Hubby is picking up the slack when he’s here, but he’s not always here, like today, he’s in FL and we have to make it on our own.

So anyhow, the rabbits are cool, I love looking at them and can stand to go outside on a day like today was, the weather and my migraine pregnant ickyness. It was like a lovely spring day (which makes me forget my miseries for a time.) Tomorrow will get cooler and temps get back to “Normal” according to the 15-day Outlook via accuweather. The rabbits won’t mind. I just can’t go barefoot and will have to dress warmer, and don’t mind the cool outside dressed alright. It’s just having to go from warm spring/summer like-ness for over a week, and suddenly plunge back into Southern late Autumness, a shock, and it’s so easy to dress less for the warm weather, and that makes getting back into dressing for warmth a big pain.

My hennies, they aren’t laying at all. The Wyandottes did lay some eggs earlier in November, but have quit again, but aren’t loosing feathers. The Australorps are not laying, and some are molting. The other two (hawklady and the bantam) are just not laying either. FWIW Some of them should start up again soon, it’s been long enough, and they are getting light supplementation (in the Australorp pen for awhile already, and now I’ve moved all of them close so they all benefit.)

7 responses to “Rabbits and me and hennies”

  1. Tamara (AK) Avatar

    Hi Maisy! I’ll give this another try…

    Sorry to hear that you are still feeling queasy. 🙁 My first tri sounds a lot like yours has been which was unusual for me. Spent lots and lots of time in bed…really hard to direct a large household that way. *sigh* Was sooo glad when it finally passed. Now I’m feeling great! Gotta love the second tri! 😀 Hang in there. You’re almost there. At least I pray it lets up for you then…

    We raised rabbits when I was a girl for a while. What ended it was a couple “running loose” dogs. Slaughtered the whole 25 or so we had (except 1) in one frenzied swoop. We came home from work/school to discover the awful scene. Thankfully, my father had already said not to worry about my chore of feeding them that night, he’d do it. Don’t remember why…I had a lot of homework or it was frightfully cold or something. (Sorry, that may not be quite the story to tell with your queazy tummy!) Anyhow, raising them was fun for a while and did provide meat for the table (besides moose, etc. 😉 ) when we needed or wanted it. After the masacre, my father didn’t have the heart for it any more. We did have four pet rabbits later that some friends gave us when they moved. Have no idea if they were anything in particular… But pets only they remained until they all died of old age.

    Nice “chatting” with you again. Been thinking of you… 🙂

  2. Tamara (AK) Avatar

    The whole point of telling you I had been let off my job that night was to say I was spared seeing the grissly scene with my own eyes. It probably would have been very devestating. While I can imagine it now, it’s not the same as the vivid sight would have been.

    Well, after all that cheeriness, I wish you a good rest of the week! 🙂

  3. Maisy Avatar

    Thanks for connecting with me Tamara! It’s sure nice when someone does, these days especially.

    The rabbit slaughter story you gave is a heads up. We have a fenced in yard, but do have a dog in it, though he’s usually penned up, but hasn’t done anything to my chickens or rabbits if he is loose in the yard, but I don’t put that past him anymore at all with the rabbits now … he’s always penned up inside or out unless he gets loose going in or out and won’t “come” and so then there is someone out actively with him until he’s “gotten” –thus far.

    –I’m “officially” 12 weeks since yesterday, and I am really hoping it’s easing up, which it perhaps is. I am so ready, but still very tired and all that, though maybe not “as” sensitive to things, but I’m not putting myself through testing trials really to determine it right now. FWIW. 🙂

    I’ve had a few migraines lately again, and when I do, I’m all a mess, really sick feeling, super first-trimester sensitive tummy during them (which isn’t the case when I’m not pregnant with a migraine) and they are “bad” migraines either.

    Have a great week yourself! Glad to hear you are feeling good, and I’m really hoping that’s coming my way soon. 🙂

  4. Kelly Avatar

    Not to be rude, but I’ve always heard it’s usually a good sign when you feel so bad during the first trimester – seems to mean you have high enough hormone levels to keep the baby strong and healthy.

    God’s blessings on you, sister – I’m so glad you’re heading into the second trimester!

  5. Maisy Avatar

    Kelly, that’s not rude, worry not. I have heard it said before by others, and also “think” I didn’t have a rough time really on my last preg. which ended at 9 weeks.

    This one I can say isn’t as horrid in the “nausea” dept. daily, but I am more tired than ever, and totally taking it easy and avoiding everthing that makes me feel icky, as much as I can avoid it, and then I feel my worst when I do have a migraine, but not like when I am normal (not preg.) it’s worse for me now in this preg. and I do not remember even having migraines in the first trimester my other preg’s. I have very few at all in my two boy’s preg’s and many in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters with my one girl preg.

    So, this preg is different from the boy and girl first trimesters I’ve had and is sort of “easier” in some ways, but then, not, but then … comparing them, yes easier in many ways, but now I have no very young children to care for and can lounge alot, and stay at home since my first child was born … so with him I was working while preg. and then the next two I was at home with little children to care for during preg’s.

    If I HAD to do more, I guess I’d be worse off, and since I did loose the one at 9 weeks, two + years ago … I think I’m just surely wanting to do the less I have to, just in case. FWIW In any case, this one is symtom-1st-trimester, just different from my 3 good preg’s. The girl one was different from the boys, and the boy ones were similar. This one is probably more like the “girl” one thus far, but not like it either, but oh what does it matter? 🙂

  6. Kelly Avatar

    Except that guessing is fun. With my boys I tend to be very tired in the first tri, but only a little sick in the mornings – sort of classic morning sickness stuff. With my girls I’ve always been very sick most of the day, and each one has seemed worse than the previous. But I have friends for whom it’s the exact opposite – I guess it just depends on your own body, and noticing your own patterns.

    Do you have any ideas what’s causing the migraines? I’ve had them for more years than I remember – I know I was having them eight or nine years ago, but I can’t remember when they started – but this year I’ve only had one that I remember, and it was kind of mild – I only felt mildly nauseated and was able to sleep it off. I’ve made a lot of dietary and supplemental changes, but I never kept track of them before, so I really don’t know why they went away.

    I mean to get back in touch with you about the socionics stuff – that was so fascinating – but I hated to bother you when you’ve been feeling so bad!

  7. Maisy Avatar

    Kelly, migraine talk, I really don’t know WHY I get them, but know that my Mother got them until either in her 40’s or menopause in her 50’s … and I know that my eldest sister gets or got them (don’t know for sure if she still does.)

    They seem hormone related at times, then at others just plainly not. It’s possible that I get at least two types of migraines.

    As it goes, I haven’t had any in the past week or so, except yesterday I seemed to have one, we were out driving and I felt horrible and tired and then realized just before we got home that I had a migraine. I got into the house, took some Excedrin and was alright a bit later. So it wasn’t at all like most of them are.

    I have some things on order from beeyoutiful.com that I’m hoping will increase my energy some, and get me straightened out in a few areas (things I’ve been lacking for years and years.) I’m actually excited about it, having had prenatals this time that I tried to take but couldn’t stomach to swallow after the first couple of known weeks of pregnancy. Three pill at breakfast, three with dinner. ICK!

    So I’m onto something better and I hope … this stuff will all work together for my good, and cut my migraines down to fewer or fewer than that, to none.

    I do know about myself that I am very sensetive to many things, and it could be food related, but maybe it’s related more to how I’m made, and being injected with those horrid vaccinations more times than I should have been (I mean, I wish I had a ‘natural’ mother, but I didn’t and I was double vaccinated when I was 13 years old due to moving to a State that didn’t take my mothers words and her personal records for my vaccination dates.)

    I’m sensitive to cleaning products, chemicals, etc. I get a sore throat from walking through mall stores. I’m an itchy person from seemingly nothing, and hate wearing anything but natural clothing. I get allergies in the Spring, and Fall, and before and after. Rarely is there total relief, and it’s weird when there is, so blissedly weird.

    That all said, I’m now 13 weeks going on 14, and feeling much better, but still wanting more energy and I tire out so very quickly.

    You might be able to tell I feel some better. I’ve posted three articles today on this blog. 🙂

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