Getting a kick out of reading my old stuff
I’ve looked up my posts here about computers over the years and it’s pretty fun to see how I was thinking, how things were before etc. Then I saw a post about a computer sleeping problem, and sleep has been a big topic for me all the time so that prompted me to search “sleep”…
Living sucks
I really hate living right now. Everything is just ……….. Covid or whatever, Dec. 23 to now, it’s just a plain pain to live. I can’t feel inside my head. My feelings are dead. I know I’m suppose to love this or that, but there is no pleasure. My skin crawls itchy and chills are…
My Package Where Art Thou 4
Finally it’s going to arrive! Originally should have been delivered on Dec. 7th. Dec 127:10 amOut for Delivery, Expected Delivery Between 10:15am and 2:15pm What an ordeal all this last week+ 3 2 1
My Package Where Art Thou 3
Dec 10 In Transit, Arriving Late Tell me something I don’t know. Prev and prev to that.
My Package Where Art Thou 2
Updating this because it had a transit update after yesterday’s post with: Dec 093:35 amDeparted USPS Regional FacilityATLANTA NORTH METRO DISTRIBUTION CENTER Dec 08In Transit to Next Facility I expect nothing from it really, it’s just a forever circling package. I don’t like that there is not a shred of information about where it’s off…